What Started it All Part 1

 Back when I was a young child, a paralegal in my father's office sold his childhood baseball card collection to a dealer.  With the proceeds, he and his wife went on a two-week long, all expenses paid trip to Australia.  The dealer didn't want some of the more beat up cards, so they found their way to me, via my dad.  I collected cards, kind of.  But I really was a stats guy and a sports fan, and I really knew the history of the game of baseball.  I loved Mickey Mantle, and I idolized Hank Aaron.  I could never have dreamed of owning their cards.

The best thing about being a kid is the joy of collecting.  You don't care what condition the cards are in, you don't care if there is gum sticking to the surface or the corners are rounder than a bowling ball.  They are special.  And these were special cards.  So special that they were locked up in thick lucite holders in my special lego box in my closet with my most treasured possessions.  Several years ago when visiting home, I dug them out.  Same holders.  Same lego box.  Same feels.


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