The Home Shows - Part 2

Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam put on a hell of show.  I have never been in such a mass of people all singing along to the same vibe.  I feel like we were on the younger side of people there, which was a little amazing to me.  They played almost all of the songs that I wanted to here, and a lot that I didn't know I wanted to hear but loved anyway.

There were some touching moments like when Eddie brought out his children's teachers on stage.  How cool is that.  And the real best thing was that this was a fundraiser to fight against homelessness.  And not the kind of fight that most politicians want (Eg. to get the homeless sent away somewhere else) but to actually do the right thing.  Pearl Jam was putting their money, time, and energy where their mouth was and actually doing something about it.  That was only part of the 'Home' aspect of the Home Shows.

It was an incredible night and not one that I will ever forget.  A great concert, my favorite still intact band, and a great cause.  I guess the collectible aspect of the concert is that all of the posters and shirts somehow become 10x more valuable after the concert.  We waited in line about an hour after the concert trying to get a shirt or poster, but the lines weren't moving at all.  I can live with pictures, videos, and memories though.


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